Monday 16 February 2015


Food, the ultimate need of life, is becoming something which sucks when its reality is unfolded. Everywhere, whether in newspaper, television, adulteration is becoming a current topic and a major issue, which needs strict actions.

Here's a video, this will reveal something really disgusting about fast food.

The food for which we wait with our mouth watered is actually not less than poison.
Some substances or say elements which should never be eaten up are major portion of fast food.
  • Silicon oil is used in food chicken nuggets. it's used to make medical devices
  • Antidepressants are also utilized as an important ingredient
  • Propylene glycol is used in salads, as salads are to be preserved.
All these terms might seem to be awkward but just try and understand by watching video, about the reality of fast food.

My intentions for posting such a post on fast food is just that I want my readers know what they are eating, so that they can think twice before deciding what they should eat and what not and off course from where to eat and from where to not.  

Something Astonishing:

Hey everyone,
So you returned here, happy to see you. Kindly let me know your views. Any suggestion will be warmly welcomed.


1 comment:

  1. The video uploaded above provides information about various unhealthy items used in preparation of food. The video is quite shocking and more than this, its informative. well thanks for sharing such a video.
