Tuesday 3 March 2015


Disastrous Food Combinations:

Food combining is a health conscious approach to eating, where food that require different digestive environments are eaten separately. Various food combination theories have somewhat controversial views, however, there are some points that they agree on. Following are a few combinations:

  • Fruit after a meal: The combination results in slow digestion process.   
  • Cheese and meat omelet: This combo as well results in problem in digestion. 
  • Tomato and cheese pasta sauce: Tons of energy is required to digest this combination. 
  • Oatmeal with milk and orange juice: This combo gets heavy. 
  • Beans and cheese: It leads to gas and bloating.
  • Bananas and milk: Its heaviest and toxic forming mixture.
  • Yogurt and fruit: An acid is produced causing cold and cough.  
  • Lemon dressing on cucumber and tomato salad: Both don't work well together.

                                                      Bananas and Milk

Great Food Combinations:

The right nourishment blends can help you get thinner, avert disease, bring down your danger of cardiovascular illness, and a great deal more.

  • Oatmeal and orange juice: Unprocessed oatmeal with orange juice prevents heart attack and cleanses your arteries 
  • Tomatoes and Avocados 
  • Broccoli and Tomatoes: Combination prevents prostate cancer 
  • Blueberries and Grapes 
  • Apples and Chocolates: Aids in prevention of heart attack, Parkinson's malady, allergies 
  • Lemon and Kale: Strengthens immune system 
  • Peanuts and whole wheat: Helps maintain muscles as you get older

                                                 Apple and Chocolate

Something really important to watch:


Monday 2 March 2015


Here I unfold the surprise. 

So here our search for healthiest food ENDS. Avocados is the healthiest food ever.

Let us peep a little bit inside AVOCADO:
  • Creamy, flavorful and rich avocado add health and heft to food dishes.
  • They are a great source of pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), vitamin K and fiber, which helps absorption and aides maintaining regularity.
  • These contain antioxidants, which reduce cell damage.
  • It reduces risk of heart attack
  • It further helps to ebb risk of strike, coronary artery malady and diabetes.
  • Mono saturated fats can stop insulin resistance, that helps regulate blood sugar level. 
