Tuesday 3 March 2015


Disastrous Food Combinations:

Food combining is a health conscious approach to eating, where food that require different digestive environments are eaten separately. Various food combination theories have somewhat controversial views, however, there are some points that they agree on. Following are a few combinations:

  • Fruit after a meal: The combination results in slow digestion process.   
  • Cheese and meat omelet: This combo as well results in problem in digestion. 
  • Tomato and cheese pasta sauce: Tons of energy is required to digest this combination. 
  • Oatmeal with milk and orange juice: This combo gets heavy. 
  • Beans and cheese: It leads to gas and bloating.
  • Bananas and milk: Its heaviest and toxic forming mixture.
  • Yogurt and fruit: An acid is produced causing cold and cough.  
  • Lemon dressing on cucumber and tomato salad: Both don't work well together.

                                                      Bananas and Milk

Great Food Combinations:

The right nourishment blends can help you get thinner, avert disease, bring down your danger of cardiovascular illness, and a great deal more.

  • Oatmeal and orange juice: Unprocessed oatmeal with orange juice prevents heart attack and cleanses your arteries 
  • Tomatoes and Avocados 
  • Broccoli and Tomatoes: Combination prevents prostate cancer 
  • Blueberries and Grapes 
  • Apples and Chocolates: Aids in prevention of heart attack, Parkinson's malady, allergies 
  • Lemon and Kale: Strengthens immune system 
  • Peanuts and whole wheat: Helps maintain muscles as you get older

                                                 Apple and Chocolate

Something really important to watch:


Monday 2 March 2015


Here I unfold the surprise. 

So here our search for healthiest food ENDS. Avocados is the healthiest food ever.

Let us peep a little bit inside AVOCADO:
  • Creamy, flavorful and rich avocado add health and heft to food dishes.
  • They are a great source of pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), vitamin K and fiber, which helps absorption and aides maintaining regularity.
  • These contain antioxidants, which reduce cell damage.
  • It reduces risk of heart attack
  • It further helps to ebb risk of strike, coronary artery malady and diabetes.
  • Mono saturated fats can stop insulin resistance, that helps regulate blood sugar level. 


Sunday 22 February 2015


Their a misconception in our mind that fresh food is absolutely better then frozen food. But here's a completely shocking video,that is going to change your mind set about frozen food. After watching this video you wouldn't be able to think about frozen food in a way in which you thought before.  

More on Fast Food:

  • Indeed, a "business basket" ponder by UGA discovered the measures of Vitamin A, Vitamin C and folates in a few solidified products are really more prominent than their fresh stored foods.
  • The UC Davis study found that fresh products are healthfully equal to crisp put away create.
  • Fresh food can likewise be all the more effortlessly divided and put away for later utilize, which diminishes deterioration and nourishment waste, further expanding buyer esteem.
  • Frozen food are the sensible choice. 

Fried frozen potato fries

So here I expect the video will be of great help to you. Surely this video will have a remarkable effect on your mind. For next week theirs a surprise for my blog visitors. I'll answer the most frequently thought question. I wish to see all of you here again to get a surprising and informative post .  



Monday 16 February 2015


Food, the ultimate need of life, is becoming something which sucks when its reality is unfolded. Everywhere, whether in newspaper, television, adulteration is becoming a current topic and a major issue, which needs strict actions.

Here's a video, this will reveal something really disgusting about fast food.

The food for which we wait with our mouth watered is actually not less than poison.
Some substances or say elements which should never be eaten up are major portion of fast food.
  • Silicon oil is used in food chicken nuggets. it's used to make medical devices
  • Antidepressants are also utilized as an important ingredient
  • Propylene glycol is used in salads, as salads are to be preserved.
All these terms might seem to be awkward but just try and understand by watching video, about the reality of fast food.

My intentions for posting such a post on fast food is just that I want my readers know what they are eating, so that they can think twice before deciding what they should eat and what not and off course from where to eat and from where to not.  

Something Astonishing:

Hey everyone,
So you returned here, happy to see you. Kindly let me know your views. Any suggestion will be warmly welcomed.


Saturday 14 February 2015


Homemade food is often the first choice for a person who wants to eat healthy and fresh food. Keeping in mind cleanliness and hygiene, food is prepared keeping in mind utmost care.

Benefits of eating Homemade food:

  • You are able to control the ingredients in your food, which is impossible to be done if one prefers to eat in restaurants.
  • You can utilize healthier cooking strategies and substitutions when making your own particular dinners. What's more, at home you can substitute unfortunate elements for options.
  • Consuming homemade nourishment additionally gives different profits, including helping you carry on with a healthier way of life.
  • Homemade food helps maintain and control nutrition calories.

Thursday 5 February 2015


Hi everyone,
Here's my blog on 'Food'. I'll keep posting some interesting and unusual facts about food. Hope you'll be able to grab some useful information about my topic. I believe you'll not repent spending time for visiting my blog.

Cooking Methods:

  • Dry cooking methods: Roasting, Broiling and Sauteing             
  • Moist cooking methods: Braising, Steaming and Poaching


Foodie Facts: 
  • Cheese is the most stolen nourishment on the planet. 
  • Plane nourishment isn't exceptionally delicious on the grounds that our feeling of smell and taste diminish from 20 to 50 percent. 
  • During the normal supper, you consume more than 90,000 miles of DNA. 
  • A standout among set the most hydrating nourishment to consume is the cucumber, which is 96% water. 
  • Around 70% of olive oil being sold is not really natural olive oil. 
  • Carrots used to be of purple color before 17th century.
Earlier people used to eat raw food, however accidentally they discovered the idea to cook food. Then simple method of cooking food using fire came into existence. As a result of evolution different cooking methods came into being:

Today we are having abundant techniques to cook food. Types of equipment used in the cooking process include ovens, microwaves, toasters, grills, pots and frying pans.

Enthralling video on Food:
